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How to Increase Blood Platelet Count Naturally: Food to Eat

Platelets are important blood cells that help the blood to clot and stop too much bleeding. However, certain medical conditions like cancer, anemia, autoimmune diseases, and medications can cause a decrease in platelet count. It is best to eat foods high in folate, vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, and iron if you want to increase your platelet count naturally. In this article, we will see how to increase platelet count in your blood naturally.

Symptoms of Low Platelets Count 

A complete blood count (CBC) measures the number of blood platelets, the number of red blood cells, the number of white blood cells, and blood indices, which measure the size, shape, and quality of platelets and red blood cells.

The normal range for platelet count is between 150,000 and 450,000 per microliter (mcL) of blood. Symptoms usually don’t show up until the platelet count drops below 50,000 microliters.

During regular blood tests, a low number of blood platelets is often discovered. However, it can also manifest with various symptoms, including:

  • Bruising
  • Presence of small red spots that remain visible when pressure is applied, and larger patches similar to eczema
  • Persistent bleeding from even minor cuts
  • Unusually heavy periods
  • Nosebleeds
  • Bleeding gums while brushing teeth
  • Urinary or vaginal bleeding
  • Headaches or other symptoms of internal bleeding in various parts of the body.

Natural Ways to increase Platelets Count Through Diet

Diet and exercise may not always be enough to increase platelet count on their own. In some cases, like dengue fever and viral fever, a platelet transfusion is needed to bring the number of platelets back to normal. This is done with an intravenous (IV) infusion of platelets.

So, if you want to know how to naturally increase your platelet count, the list of foods below should help you to some level.

1. Milk

Milk is well-known for its rich source of calcium and protein, and both calcium and protein are necessary for maintaining healthy bones and muscles in our body. What many people don’t realize is that milk includes vitamin K, a substance that assists in blood clotting.

Additionally, drinking regular milk is thought to increase the total platelet count in the body. So, if you want to increase your platelets at home, make sure you drink a glass of milk every day.


2. Papaya Leaf Extract

Using papaya leaf extract to raise the number of platelets count is an old home remedy that is also recommended by doctors. Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties and phytochemicals like tannins and alkaloids that help make blood cells and increase the amount of platelets in the body.

However, the juice of a papaya leaf can be bitter, causing nausea and possibly vomiting in some people. In such cases, oral medication in the form of capsules containing the same amount of extract required to boost platelet counts is now available in India at many health food stores and on Amazon. Another study found that patients with Dengue Fever had a faster rate of platelet count growth when they drank juice made from papaya leaves.

Papaya Leaf Extract

3. Wheatgrass 

Wheatgrass includes a high proportion of chlorophyll, which has a similar structure to hemoglobin present in human blood. This plant is very effective in increasing platelet count and the total quantity of red and white blood cells in the blood. Freshly pressed wheatgrass juice can be quite beneficial in increasing platelet count, especially during chemotherapy.


4. Kiwi

Kiwi is a vitamin C-rich fruit that is an ideal complement to a low platelet count diet. Vitamin C increases platelet function by promoting aggregation and adhesion. This fruit can be very helpful for people with dengue because it increases the count of platelets and gives the body energy.

Several vitamin C-rich foods, in addition to kiwi, can be added to the diet to help increase platelet count. These include red peppers, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits.


5. Giloy or Guduchi

Giloy is a widely used natural home remedy for increasing the number of platelet counts, especially in people with dengue fever. Giloy has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, and antiepileptic properties that help it stimulate the immune system and boost the amount of platelets.

A low platelet count is dangerous. If you want to increase your platelet count in a natural way, eating the following foods regularly might help. If a medical problem is causing the low platelet count, it is best to see a hematologist for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

Giloy or Guduchi

Vitamins and Nutrients that Can Increase Platelet Count:

1. Vitamin B-12

You need enough vitamin B12 to keep your blood cells healthy. Your platelet count could be low if you don’t get enough of this vitamin. You can get more Vitamin B12 by eating foods that are full of it, like eggs, liver, and seafood.

Vitamin B12 Food

2. Iron

For the body to make red blood cells, iron is a very important nutrient. If you don’t get enough iron, your hemoglobin, and platelets may be low. This can cause a health problem called anemia. To prevent this, you should eat foods that are high in iron. Some foods that are high in iron include spinach, lentils, pumpkin seeds, raw bananas, and guava.

Iron Food

3. Folates 

Folates, which are also called folic acid, is a type of vitamin B that is important for the proper functioning of all cells in the body, including red blood cells. Peanuts, oranges, kidney beans, and lentils are all great sources of folates that you should eat to keep your platelet levels healthy.

Folates Food (Folic Acid)

4. Vitamin C

The amount of platelets in your blood is strongly related to how much vitamin C you take. Vitamin C is very important for a strong and healthy immune system. It also helps your body absorb iron and boosts the count of platelets in your blood. Lemons, limes, oranges, pineapples, and a lot more are all great sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin C Food

Foods to Avoid if You Want to Increase Platelets

If you want to increase your platelet count, you should stay away from foods and other things that have been linked to trying to lower platelet counts.

1. Alcohol

Using alcohol has been found to decrease the amount of platelets in a variety of ways. First, it can cause a lack of folate, which is required for platelet production. Second, it increases the chance of bleeding. Also, it seems to play a role in the death of platelets.


2. Tonic Water (Quinine)

Quinine, which is widely found in tonic water, is often responsible for drug-induced thrombocytopenia. However, it would require a significant amount of tonic water consumption to have a harmful effect on the body. Despite this, quinine has been related to platelet destruction, and at least one case of potentially deadly thrombocytopenia has been reported in association with tonic water.

Tonic Water (Quinine)

3. Nutrasweet 

The use of Nutrasweet (aspartame) has been linked to thrombocytopenia, a disorder characterized by a reduced platelet count; however, the actual cause remains unknown. Considering these and other metabolic disorders and health concerns associated with aspartame, researchers suggest that monitoring the intake of aspartame for one’s overall health is a wise decision.

Nutrasweet (aspartame)

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Eating certain foods and taking specific supplements may help improve your platelet count; however, if you experience thrombocytopenia symptoms on an ongoing basis, you should speak with a medical professional. If your platelet count is incredibly low, you need to go to the doctor immediately to prevent more severe complications.

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